random babble from yours truly

i think the title sums it up pretty well.

Saturday, May 12, 2007

last night, i had the strangest dream. david hasselhoff was in it, but he was sober. so were my friends from high school. the whole thing was very twisted. but what was the freakiest part? i dreamt about him for the first time. seriously. it was just weird.

well, it wasn't weird. it was actually kind of nice because the dream wasn't strange like when i dream about past exes. he wasn't trying to seduce me or kill me and i didn't dream that we were dating. i dreamt about all the pre-dating stuff which was nice. i guess in all my jadedness, i forgot about how nice it is to be in that beginning phase when you're just starting to know someone and all you're going off of is that initial attraction. it's so childish but it's also so innocent and exciting.

anyhow, point is, last night was a nice dream. i haven't had a nice dream about a boy in a while. so it was nice, for once, to be reminded in my sub conscious that dream boys do exist in real life. =)

now, i'm off to pray to the GPA gods....

Thursday, May 10, 2007

let's hope all goes well next monday, tuesday and wednesday!

and wish me luck on my dream internship interivew!

the toilet gods do not like me today.

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

sometimes, i amaze myself. seriously. i've now got TWO speakers booked for next fall and I have two more to find. While I could count on my e-board to find the last two speakers, I just don't trust them. Heck, if they can't even handle the task of handing out candy, I somehow wonder if they can handle finding speakers.

in any case, I'm impressing myself. Perhaps in the long run, booking these people will turn out to be good contacts for future networking. I still wonder why the hell I signed up for this. Honestly. I don't know what I was thinking. All I wanted was some free pizza! and yet somehow, I came out the next president!?!?

anyhow! i'm anxiously awaiting a phone call or e-mail from the dream job. the wait is driving me nuts! i keep forgetting that i already have a job too....

all right, must attend to school work and the damn itchiness. i hate mosquitoes and the itchiness they bring me!

blog later.

Monday, May 07, 2007

I learned something last night: angry blogs about stupid exes leads to bad dreams.
REALLY bad dreams. Thus, no more angry blogs about stupid exes from me.

In other news, two people who I think are a fabulous couple just got engaged! yay! Unfortunately, the other couple I also adored broke up last month too. *sigh* I suppose not all my favorite couples will stay together.

I have no desire to study for my drug structure exam tomorrow. I'm so sick of amines, amides, carboxylic acids and stupid transformations. I want to be done with school.

Oooh! I heard back from the dream internship today too. Well, kind of. I'm supposed to have a phone interview. I hate those but hopefully! *crossing fingers* this works out!

gosh i hate exams....

blog later.

Sunday, May 06, 2007

i just feel like venting. not about school, work, my incompetent e-board or my crazy family. no today i feel like spewing venom about my former "loves."

i hate them all. yes, i realize hate is a very strong word but let me be emotional. let me get out my anger and frustration. and i'm frustrated.

i continually blame myself. it wasn't his fault, i was the one who stayed in the relationship for as long as i did. and it wasn't his fault for letting it happen, it was mine for not being rational. but you know?! i've come to realize that's a bunch of bull.

both times, i was fine. i was getting by, moving along on my merry way. but nooo....you decided to come along and screw everything up. and you did such a fine job of screwing me up. but thankfully, now, i've regained some sense of sanity and intelligence.

no more settling. no more trusting, believing. no more second chances. no more thinking the best of anyone. from now on, it's always the worst until proven otherwise. like when you have some ridiculous disease that i can't think of right now off the top off of my head.

i'm through.

thank goodness summer is less than 2 weeks away....