random babble from yours truly

i think the title sums it up pretty well.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

i think i want to quit my job and use the time that i would have spent working volunteering. honestly, it's weird not volunteering somewhere or somehow. i feel like i need to do something besides working and studying because i'm not giving back to the world enough. we'll see... i'm starting the org hunt. i'm leaning towards an org that does job coaching or volunt eering my event planning skills. ha ha! did i mention that i just got tapped to plan another company outing?

anyhow! no exams this week. yay! i have to start saving money for all the out-of-town weddings i must attend to this year. AWESOME. I'm totally happy that two of my closest friends are getting married. I just wish I had a REAL job that umm... paid me.

all right, i think i'm going to do some work. i've been a total bum today... again. goodness i'm becoming a heffer.

blog later.