April 11th- 12 PM. Doesn't seem so far away now... *sigh* I wish it was farther.
Winter Quarter blows- thank goodness it's almost over. I can't wait to graduate. Correction. I can't wait to have a job and graduate. *sigh* I need a job. I hope I get a call or something this week. I'll cry if I don't.
Yet another lousy weekend on so many levels, but I'm not even going to get into it. It's not worth it. In the long run, I'm pretty thankful and grateful for everything that's happened to me. Seriously. When I put things in perspective, I'm pretty well off where I stand and I can't ask for anything more than that. I guess people are right when they say you need to really appreciate the little things. I've always been a little things person. I shall start appreciate them more and more.
I need a job! Okay, now I'm starting to get frustrated in that whole department. I know I shouldn't be frustrated, that up until now, I've been pretty confident and level-headed but I don't want to be that way anymore! *sigh* ugh. Lots of sighs. That's not a good sign.
At least I got my damn introduction written and I started on the actual body of my BA. 8 pages, only 8 more sections to go. Goodness. At the rate I'm going, this thing is going to be like 50 pages. I won't want to read it when it's done. I can tell you that now.
I'm finally better. No seriously, I REALLY am better now. Not really coughing, not much puking, headaches/migraines are at bay- health isn't so terrible anymore.
I need to go shopping. I think I shall go this afternoon....
blog later.