random babble from yours truly

i think the title sums it up pretty well.

Saturday, April 27, 2002

*disclaimer* I wrote this about an hour ago, but it didn't get posted. I don't know why. Blogger hates me. Technology has never loved me. And I need to actually start WRITING this paper. (hee hee... I did go take a 20 min. nap....)

There's pretty much no way I can get out of going out tonight because my two ridiculously crazy friends/sisters, Brita and Anne have been looking forward to this all week. (Kind of scary... people looking forward to hanging out with me. yikes!) I think we're going to a bar. Ugh... the last time I went to a bar, the bouncer tried hitting on me while I was leaving. I hate people with Asian fetishes. Granted, I've dated a one of those types, but ugh.... I just don't get it. I don't understand the Asian fetish. If someone could explain it to me, I'd greatly appreciate it.

hee hee..I got summoned for jury service or duty. Me! Katherine Lin, summoned. I never thought it would happen. Actually, I did, but the whole idea of it seemed silly to me. My friends keep telling me they pay you like crap. I hope that's not true. Especially since I'm kind of poor right now. I haven't worked in about a month! Crazy... I went from working two jobs and volunteering to pretty much doing NOTHING. Go me... ha ha! Nah, that's not true. After tonight (hopefully) when I'm done with this paper, I'll be back to my old, no social-life self. Do you know how long it's been since I've been to a party? ANY kind of party? Well, then again, I am going out tonight and I already have plans for next weekend too. Maybe I'm not so much of a loser, but I sure as hell feel like one!!

All right, time to start typing/writing this thing otherwise, I'm screwed. Wish me luck.
Blog you all later.

Friday, April 26, 2002

(I wrote this two days ago... I think, but it didn't got posted. grrr... I hate blogger.)

Thank you Frank for fixing my Blogger, to Gill for trying to fix it for me (I got the email but I didn't have enough time to go through it and well... when I see computer jargon, I freak out) and to Todd too for offering to help me.

I'm ridiculously tired. Midterms blow. I'm at the most sadistic school in the world. If you think this whole Blogger thing is going to stay with me, you're in a for a big surprise. This week has just been so damn stressful, there's nothing new on all my regular shopping sites, so! I am blogging. (Laugh if you want, but really, web shopping can be quite therapeutic!!)

Thanks for the update on your life Gill. I did end up procrasting. It was nice to know what you've been up to since well... I've been so out of the loop with so many things.

Anyhow! that history paper... I have not gotten much farther on it though I have until Saturday to finish it. It will be finished by Saturday. Least, I hope so. *gulp*

On a brighter note, I was INCREDIBLY productive today. Got ALL my DJ shiznit taken care of so Summer Breeze is going to happen!! woohoo! (thank you Brita.)
I also just got offered (formally) to tutor the three lil girls I've been tutoring ALL summer. Yikes! I don't know if my brain and their brains will be able to handle it. In the spirit of Gill, this is what I'll be doing this summer.

Kathy's Plans for the Summer of 2002
* Continue working in the hospital (What do I do you ask? I go around surveying the docs and nurses in the NICU about the intubated babies. It's quite depressing at first, but after a while, you just get used to it. Sad, but true. I love my job though. Thank you Xander!)
* Taking summer school (I have yet to figure out what class though... so many options...)
* Researching for my BA (which as of now will be on why Neonatology became a section of Pediatrics as opposed to a separate department or just lumped under Pediatrics)
* And of course... tutoring.

If you ask me, I think I have a pretty full schedule. Who would have thought there would be so much demand for me to stay in Chicago? I wouldn't have. And even though I'll be staying at home, I CANNOT WAIT TO WATCH TV AND SLEEP IN A FULL SIZE BED!!!

And for any TAFers out there, I am definitely not returning this year. It's not like that's a big surprise though. I've been thinking and talking about it for a while. I haven't really been in the loop with TAF anyhow this past year and my past few years haven't been well... the "happiest." But I wish the best for all of you going. I'm sure it will be amazing and I can't wait to hear the stories! (I'll share my stories of what I do that week. Not that it will be all that interesting, but you never know. Heck! I was in Sassy at one point in my life... ha ha ha!)

All right. Time to find a certain someone and ask him why he hasn't come by to help me with my Physics!!!

blog later.
(Has anyone noticed that my nickname resembles the word "Blog?")

Thursday, April 25, 2002

AHHHHHHHHHHH! I hate BLOGGER!! I just spent 15 minutes writing something and I just lost it ALL because I went and changed the time zone listed. HOW frustrating.

I'm supposed to be writing my paper on the differences and similarities between the 18th century concept of patient narrative to that of present day. How far am I? Umm... we won't talk about that. It doesn't help that I got my a$$ kicked on Monday and am still trying to recover, nor does it help that the book I needed was taken out of the library! So! I'm left to BS my way through all of this. Granted, it's only a 4-7 page paper but my concentration GPA is slowly diminishing. I can see it now...

Does anyone know how to change the stuff on your blogger template? I really don't like whatever band it says is my favorite band and all that other stuff. And I've looked around, I even went through all the "How To" categories on blogger.com and I came up with nothing. This whole "blogger" thing is very frustrating. Honest it is. But if you do know how to change that stuff, or have any other pointers, I'd really appreciate them. You can reach me at kjlin@uchicago.edu

Okay. It's time for me to get some sleep, or at least, stop blogging and try to generate a couple more pieces of evidence for my paper.
Have I mentioned how much I don't get this thing? Well. I don't.
Blog later.

Tuesday, April 23, 2002

Frank, I know you're SUPER excited that I finally did this but don't think that what motivated me is my boredom. THE ONLY reasons I've opted to join the "Blog" craze at this moment is because:
1) I am SICK of people asking me about how the MCAT went. (If you want to know, it wasn't as bad as I thought but I started to phase out during the Bio section.)
2) I do not want to be productive and Blogger is something that I do not think is productive.
3) I'm avoiding writing my paper due Thursday.
4) I'm annoyed with life at the University of Chicago.
5) I know there are people out there wondering what the hell I've been up to (least, I want to believe that.)

So, lemme start by saying what I've been up two ever since January of this year (though it just occurred to me that I really haven't been doing much.)

Surprisingly, I kicked some a$$ in my classes last term so I've been trying to keep that up. That means, I have stopped watching TV all together and I pretty much spend all my time socializing and studying at the library. (That's how sad the U of C is or at least, I am.) At the same time though, I somehow managed to get myself sucked into co-chairing one of the largest campus events held in May. *sigh* Then! I signed my life away to Kaplan (WHO YOU SHOULD ALL STAY AWAY FROM!) in preparation for the MCAT but this past saturday, I took the damn test and I don't want to think about it anymore.

On a more positive note I managed to
1) secure my summer job
2) secure my BA advisor and
3) get my BA topic.
Looks like I will be graduating after all as a History of Medicine concentrator and I might just still get that second major in. =) woo hoo!

What else? Oh yeah! I also (more or less) just secured the formal site for DG. (Did I mention I joined a sorority? Yes, I did. Frank's lil sister is a greek girl. ha ha ha!)
There's actually a picture of me on my sorority's website . It's under Fall Initiation. There are FOUR Taiwanese girls in my sorority. I think that's pretty damn impressive.....

But enough about my sorority and my loser life. I don't expect to keep up with this blogger thing, but if it means that less people will ask me about the MCAT, midterms, SummerBreeze and those other annoying questions that I choose not to deal with at present, then I'm ALL FOR IT! =)

so I think that's it for me.
blog later.