random babble from yours truly

i think the title sums it up pretty well.

Saturday, March 04, 2006

What a f&cking rotten day. I wish I wasn't me today. I wish I didn't try to be a better person. I wish the sun wasn't so freaking bright. I wish I wasn't so freaking tired. I wish my stupid body would stop playing mind games with me. I wish I didn't have migraines. I wish I was properly warned that I would be walking back and forth putting clothes away. I freaking wish today never happened.

I'm losing my mind. There's no other way to explain it. I'm not getting any better. This is driving me absolutely freaking nuts. I can't take this. I'm really to implode. Seriously. I'm ready to implode.

Thursday, March 02, 2006

50 days and counting. Yes folks, my days are now numbered.

Some would say that giving a presentation on how to spot a fake luxury good (or as I'd like to call it "How to Spot a Fake Louis Vuitton") says that I'm shallow and materialistic. Well, the truth is, I am a brand-whore and if you asked me what I know, I'd shopping. I am a DAMN good shopper. I would make a GREAT personal shopper. However, I don't know if I'd ever get hired as a personal shopper. In any case! all of my friends think my presentation topic is pretty clever and funny and I think so too. Wouldn't you rather learn about how to tell a fake Coach bag from a real one instead of learning about how to make good chocolate chip cookies?

And folks, I've hit a new low. SERIOUSLY. I think I'm becoming a heffer again AND! I've considered calling someone I don't really want to talk to as practice to call someone I DO want to talk to. I'm THAT twisted. But I need courage and well...right now, I don't have it. I don't know why I'm flipping out over this person. It's so pathetic. It's worst than a crush. And normally I wouldn't be so stupid when it comes to this but I can't help it. *sigh* I need a new hobby.

Busy weekend ahead. Founders Day, volunteering and attempting to clean my apartment... take two.

I've decided to give up shopping. I might give up carbondated beverages too but let's be honest--it's harder for me to give up shopping now than it is Coke.

Have I mentioned I'm pathetic?