random babble from yours truly

i think the title sums it up pretty well.

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

yesterday night, i dreamt my school scheduled an 8 AM midterm the day after Christmas. Anyone who lived in state was expected to take the midterm but people who live out of state and went home for the the holidays were exempt and could take the test at a later time. I somehow missed the test and was stuck pleading to the instructor to let me take the test at another time because the Acura was vandalized.

around 7 this morning, i woke up and in my groggy state of mind had to convince myself that it was a dream and that my school wasn't so ridiculous as to schedule a midterm the day after christmas and that i was okay.

anyhow! i have a terrible migraine/headache right now and i'm too lazy to get up and get some Advil. I'm hoping i can sleep this off.

christmas was good and tiring. it was a 2 day celebration. perhaps i'll explain more later.

all right, time to get some shut eye. it's going to be a long week...
