random babble from yours truly

i think the title sums it up pretty well.

Thursday, April 26, 2007

i give up.

can we just fast forward to may 19th?

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

oh my gosh....*crossing my fingers*

perhaps it was a sign all along.

anyone who knows me well, knows that i have one video game weakness: dr.mario. When our family Nintendo died many years ago, so did my Dr. Mario addiction. But a few years ago, my dear friend Xander gave me a Nintendo for my birthday. And lo and behold! my love/addiction for Dr.Mario was reborn.

Anyhow! it just occurred to me that I'm in pharmacy school, getting my doctor in pharmacy and dr. mario is my favorite video game. a game about stacking up pills. Coincidence? I think not!

(yes i know i'm a dork. leave me alone. i took a test at 8 this morning and have another one on friday.)

Monday, April 23, 2007

is it friday yet?

seriously, this week is going to kick my a$$. i just hope i come out of it with passing grades....

Sunday, April 22, 2007

today was a rough day.

can i start all over again? seriously.