random babble from yours truly

i think the title sums it up pretty well.

Friday, March 24, 2006

Well, it's good to know that my bracket isn't the only one screwed now. ha ha!

Let's go George Mason.

Thursday, March 23, 2006

All right all your haters. I know you're itching to call me, e-mail me, IM me, whatever to rub it in my face that my beloved team is out again in the Sweet 16. *sigh* At least they won in 2001... Unfortunately or happily, I didn't get to watch any of the game because my happy butt got to sit through another 3 hour microeconomics lecture and then have the pleasure of driving back in the cold. Yes, that's right, COLD. It snowed today too. The snow didn't stick to the ground but I don't care. It snowed! Blah... On Monday, lucky me gets to start her 4.5 hour speech classes. I get to learn how to talk. Thank goodness I have less than 2 months left in this state.

I took a half day today. I had a headache. I knew it wasn't a good sign this morning when I could barely get out of bed. My body is starting to whack out on me again. Ugh. Hopefully this weekend will be relaxing. It looks like next weekend might be another fun-filled weekend of condo shopping with the parents. Oi. Crap. I need to finish my application. *sigh*

I redeemed myself last night. Miss Stewart came through with her Marble cake with Chocolate Ganache. It's ridiculously buttery and unhealthy but at least the thing came out moist and rich unlike my last attempt at marble pound cake. So embarassing...Honestly, if this whole pharmacy thing doesn't work out I think I should go to culinary school and become a pasty chef. I think that's my TRUE calling.

I heard from an old friend today which was nice. Gosh, I feel like I've been living in a cave or a dark hole somewhere. I miss talking to so many people. That's definitely the most important criteria for the next person-someone I can talk to and have great, long conversations with. Gosh! why am I so freaking busy next week!!? I honestly think I need a vacation. Last week was supposed to be "spring break" and I don't think I really did anything fun. *sigh*

Lots of sighs. On the bright side, I did take a much needed nap after lunch today which was SUPER nice.

So on my wonderful drive tonight to class, I was thinking about Mr. C. That's the closest I'm going to get to saying his name. I know a certain relative of mine thinks it's strange when people write about people but don't give their names but you know what? Deal with it. I like to keep some air of anonymity to my blog. Plus, it's embarassing as is that I'm still thinking about him. But I'm not REALLY thinking about him. Honestly, I just miss the conversations. The ridiculously long conversations where I never wanted to hang up. I miss having talks like that with him, with ANYONE for that matter. I can't remember the last time I had a really great conversation. The 2 hour talk with a certain someone does not count. It wasn't one of THOSE conversations, it was a catch-up talk.

I should get ready for bed. I can't believe tomorrow's Friday. I woke up today and honestly thought it was Wednesday. Damn, I need to get more sleep.

blog later.

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Okay. I'm getting fat. *sigh* But you know what? I'm having so much fun in the process! I've broken the 9 PM rule twice this week....and it's only Tuesday! *sigh* I'll get better. Once things start to slow down, I will be better. Well, things are pretty slow but starting Monda I begin to learn how to talk. AWESOME.

I think I'm cured. I'm not have the same dreams about a certain person. It's kind of nice. Now, the dreams are a little more twisted but I think now, I'll take twisted over fairy tale romance. A friend mentioned a break-up to me today and I honestly felt like breaking down and crying. I don't know why I still harbor so much guilt but I do. It absolutely sucks. I hate knowing what I did and as much as I hate to admit it, that's the one regret I definitely have in my life.

I heard "You don't know me" in today and I'm just in love with this song again. It's such a great song. Gosh...

I was so unproductive again tonight. Goodness. The apartment is such a mess. I don't know what's up with me lately but I think my body and mind are starting to finally come to terms with one another. FINALLY. My goodness...my sanity can only take so much.

Okay, I'm going to attempt to do some work.

blog later.