All right, I admit it. I have an addiction. It's called Shopping. In my defense, let me just say that I resisted buying another cowl neck sweater and I didn't buy this BEAUTIFUL dress by Calvin Klein. Slowly but surely, I am learning.
Seriously though, I feel like someone who has just lost 60 lbs. and has to buy a new wardrobe. Except! I haven't really any weight recently and I can fit into all the new clothes I bought last winter that I didn't think I could fit into anymore. *sigh* Oh least I didn't waste my money.
I'm not making any sense. Product of not wanting to wake up tomorrow and go to the doctor's office. I should write an obituary for my mole. ha ha ha! I'm not that paranoid. I'm just trying to figure out how to shower. Is it really that bad to shower with ONE stitch? Seriously, it's only 1 STITCH!! What's the worst that could happen if it gets wet? I shouldn't risk it, I know, but it would make life SO MUCH EASIER!
All right, I should go to sleep. It's getting late. Correction: it IS late.
night. blog later.