random babble from yours truly

i think the title sums it up pretty well.

Monday, August 28, 2006

i should be asleep. I'm leaving in a few hours to go to the Grove to get an unnecessary TB test done and to tear down the last bit of the 70s looking wallpaper. The parents have succumbed to my present-day sense of style and are letting me rip the nasty stuff off the wall provided i clean and paint the the sucker myself. which i am.

i can't tell if i'm actually getting complimented at work by the pharmacists or if they're just being nice to screw with my head. one pharmacist told me that i'm one of the most thorough techs because i also try to see through what i do. today the pharmacist told me that i'm one of his favorite people to work with. I also got a back handed complimet from another tech that's been there for a few years. oh well. I do like working with the pharmacists at the store. They are MUCH more entertaining and fun to work with than some folks in the cheese state.

allright, must get to bed. it's going to be one fun filled day of cleaning.

blog later.