random babble from yours truly

i think the title sums it up pretty well.

Tuesday, August 13, 2002

I finally finished the Lazarus Case. I must admit, the ending was a bit of a disappointment, but I guess I should have saw it coming. Hopefully! my BA advisor never sees or reads this blog because he wrote the book. But I'm sure he would understand my disappointment with the ending. Really, I was all curious and then boom! let down. Oh well... it definitely gave me some insights and thoughts about how I want to approach my thesis. Not quite sure how I'm going to historically frame everything, but I'm pretty sure I have the history of neonatology grounded in my head. (Honestly, there are only oh-so-many ways you can retell the history of neonatology.)

What else is there? You can tell I'm bored because look how frequently I've been blogging! It's okay though because once school begins, I doubt I'll be blogging much. The other night, I dreamt about going back to school and how huge my dorm room was. Then I woke up and realized that I was kidding myself because really, my new room is like a fancy hole in the wall. Oh well... at least I have my own bathroom, which stays pretty clean! This year, I want to get a cute shower curtain and use the school issued one as a liner. It will make the bathroom look so much better! (See!? this is what I do in my spare time.)

All right, I think it's time I go be semi-productive. Enough of this blogging nonsense. Hmm... I wonder if I'll be having any Yeung Wah while I'm in NY. ha ha ha....

blog later.

Oh wow. Two weeks from Saturday, and I'll be in NY. Weird. I don't even know what time my flight is supposed to leave Chicago. I should probably check that. =)

Hmm... what to blog about? Only 20 pages until I'm done with my book. I practiced/banged on the piano tonight. I wish my right hand was bigger. I can't even play an octave! Isn't that pathetic? *sigh* It's really rather annoying, especially given I'm trying to teach myself Chopin's Etude No. 3 which is slowly becoming one of my favorite piano pieces of all time. (I still like "Fantasie Impromptu" more.)

Here's a thought. So I've decided I own too much clothing. No really, I do. I have enough formal dresses to last me until I get married (that's how many I own!) and I have enough pair of jeans that fit me. (You would think my weight and size hasn't exactly changed that much over the last few years, but oh, it has.) And I think I can be creative enough to make all my tops and still look a little "in." Or at least, not so last season. Why is this important? It's not. But I think I'm going to start focus my attention on getting more jewelry (*hint* *hint* for anyone that needs to get me a gift in the future). Yup! that's pretty much it. And I've also never figured out why the people I've dated, who know how much of a hopeless romantic I am, never play off the dead giveaways I throw them. Seriously. Oh well... I'm still waiting for the day the guy I'm with gives me a book with the score/sheet music to all my favorite songs. (It's not that hard to figure out if you look at my MP3 list.)

I think it's time for me to go to sleep though. A girl needs her beauty rest!

blog later.

Monday, August 12, 2002

Our main phone line is still out. It's pretty annoying. You would think that given this household has four phone lines (two cell phones plus the two lines in the house), my family would be surviving this mini crisis but we really aren't. No one bothers to pick up the second line when it rings because it is most likely 1) a telemarketer calling or 2) a fax is being sent. Which leaves the two cell phones. However, a certain someone (who shall remain nameless) does not seem to like to share his cell phone which has left me to give up mine for usage. Quite frustrating...

Anyhow! TAF is over and it didn't even phase me. It's kind of weird because I feel like I've suddenly entered some new phase of my life. I'm in a sorority, I keep in touch with a few people from Lab, I hang out with my dorm friends even though we all are pursuing different things... it's just weird. A few years ago, right now I'd probably be recovering from the lack of sleep and utter and pure exhaustion from a week at TAF, but this year... so much feels so different. Oh well... By the way, Nacional 27- great restaurant! (Dr. Meadow, you were right.) And the sangria there... delicious! (Really, it was that good.)

Three more weeks and I'm in NY. I packed up a lot of my clothes for the dorm. (They were mostly winter clothes that have been in my suitcase that I'm probably going to need for NY.) I also cleaned part of my closet dresser! Slowly but surely, I'm making progress with this whole "productivity" idea. (I don't think that made sense.)

Anyhow, I'm starving right now so I think I'll go search for some food.

blog later.