random babble from yours truly

i think the title sums it up pretty well.

Monday, March 29, 2004

I've been debating for the past few weeks whether or not to confront certain people in my life. I definitely think I would feel better if I did, but then I'm not sure how umm... certain people would take it. There are five people in particular. Actually, there are really only four people because the fifth person, all I would pretty much be doing is telling them how utterly happy and lucky I am to have them in my life. The other four... well, I'm glad they're in my life too except I definitely think they were my source of much grief, pain and sorrow. Not to mention, I wonder what my life would have been like, how I would be, had they not treated me the way they did.
To confront or not to... that is the question.

I should be productive. I was productive for about 15 mins tonight. Went out in search of a shot glass and then ran some general errands. It was a long day and I have a feeling this week is just going to feel like it'll never end. Actually, it won't because I'm working this weekend so I can play next Friday. Woohoo! so excited...

all right, I'm going to go be productive. I will finish my personal statement tonight, I will....

blog later.