random babble from yours truly

i think the title sums it up pretty well.

Friday, April 28, 2006

Ouch. Two shots in one day is NO fun. I suppose the good thing is now I'm 2/3 of the way to being immune to Hepatitis B and I'm not immune to rubella.

So didn't sleep well last night. What was an AWESOME and FABULOUS day ended on a rather frustrating note. However, I did manage to style my hair right again! You know what that means? It means it wasn't a fluke the first time I did it and I can actually do my own hair!

Anyhow! yesterday I got to talk to someone that I haven't talked to in a while. *blush* so much fun. I'm rather enjoying this whole reconnecting thing with people I haven't spoken to in years. It was a good conversation. hee hee... oh how all the teeny boppers would be jealous. kidding.

I don't want to drive today. I hate driving. I just realized that when I'm in school, I'm still going to be driving everyday. Now I'm wondering if I should have just lived on campus but then I'd probably be all annoyed that I was stuck eating crappy cafeteria food, my bedroom was the size of my walk-in closet right now, and I was without my beloved Quincy. =)

There are still so many errands I need to run. Ugh. I should take a quick nap before I have to get on with the rest of the day. Maybe I'll have some ice cream too.

Oh by the way, 14 days and counting!! *grinning, big smile, the sun is shining happy*
Yes folks, the end is DEFINITELY near.

blog later,

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

my apartment is a mess, i haven't finished a single problem from my homework and it's 11. I CANNOT wait to be done with this econ class! I hate homework. Gosh, and I'm going back to school?

I wish there was someone to help me pack. I wish someone would offer to help me pack. I absolutely loathe packing. I also loathe unpacking. Gosh, this summer could be might painful.

All right, time to try and get some work done. Thank goodness only 16 days left....I cannot wait.

blog later.

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

If there is one thing for me to win, it will be this. I can't wait. Where to go for dinner now? Decisions, decisions...

I bought the greatest thing from Wal-Mart yesterday. Yes, yes, ridicule me all you want but Wal-Mart is next door!!? It's so cheap and so damn convenient. Back to my purchase. I got velro rollers!! They are SUPER easy to use and I actually managed to use them without getting them totally tangled up in my hair and having to chop anything off! Very exciting. Laugh, but I'm rather proud of my purchase and my newfound ability to style my own hair.

At least two thirds done with my winter laundry. There is still so much packing that needs to be done. And stupid me went and packed all her spring/summer clothes in January and now it's warm!! Argh.

Okay, must focus. Need to pack and clean. Must pack and clean.

blog later,

Sunday, April 23, 2006

i have issues. seriously, i have issues.

Another long weekend. The things I do for a line on my resume... Gosh! I really hope this grant comes through. I'm pretty sure I won't get it now. Kind of like I am pretty sure the only letters I will be receiving now are rejection letters. I don't really care anymore. I think rejection is good for a person. It grounds you and in some ways, makes you that much stronger. I'm still deeply afraid of being rejected by him or him. I don't think I could handle it.

So I have been talking to someone recently as just a friend. It's so weird though. It's comforting and at the same time, I know that part of me hopes he falls for me only because I fell so hard for him in the past. I am messed up. I'm starting think that it's time to cut back on the 4-hour conversations and the going out for dinner thing. It's not healthy. Besides, my body needs its beauty sleep!

I'm watching Grey's Anatomy and Meredith just said something about how she can't remember her last kiss with McDreamy. I remember the last time I was with him. It actually makes me smile when I think about it. It was such a bittersweet day. I helped him pack for school and I knew that after he left, it would be all over. Seriously, I knew, which is why I let myself move on.

I miss being having someone just make me happy. Not trying to make me happy but just makes me happy. I think that's why I love hanging out with my favorite person. Because everything about him, just makes me happy. As much as I do not enjoy cleaning bodily fluids up on a kitchen floor, I don't mind doing it for him. Because he makes me happy.

Crap. I'm booked every weekend now until June and that's if I don't go to convocation. I don't think I will. I need a trip. I need a vacation. Perhaps I will seek out so and so.

I should pack. I should clean. I am messed up.

blog later.