random babble from yours truly

i think the title sums it up pretty well.

Sunday, October 31, 2004

Wow! it's been a while since I blogged. Oh well... it's been a crazy past few weeks. Things are starting to settle down a little bit and I'm starting to feel like myself again. However, there are still moments where I question everything--who I am, where I'm going, the decisions I'm making and how they affect the people I care the most about.

This past month has been a very LONG month. I didn't expect to go back to Taiwan. There are moments where I questioned whether or not I was doing the right thing by going back but looking back, I know it was the right choice. I'm glad that I was there. I'm glad that she knows I went back. Maybe I should have gone back sooner but I realize my being there sooner probably would have not made a difference. But at least I was there when it mattered the most right? I hope so. I just hope I can make her proud.

I haven't been the nicest person lately and perhaps it's because of this past month and everything that's happened. I'm so far behind in so much. Two down and one more to go. Hopefully this last test wasn't as bad as the MCAT. Everyone keeps telling me that I need to be more confident in myself, in my capablities but I'm not sure if I can be. It just seems so risky.

Anyway, someone told me that they've been checking my blogger lately and that I haven't been blogging. If that someone is reading my blogger now, I hope they know how much their friendship means to me. It really does. I was reading old entries in my blogger that I wrote last year, and I can remember writing on those days. Weird. But what I realized is the way I felt then, about my friendships and about this person hasn't changed dramatically. In fact, if anything, I'm more aware of the people I hold dearest and I think I appreciate everyone that much more. Point being, I'm glad that a certain someone is in my life and that we have the relationship that we do. I just hope they know this too.

I made fried rice tonight. I think that's my speciality. Fried rice and ribs that is. I haven't made ribs in a LONG time. I've been wanting to try a different way of cooking ribs but I haven't had the time to experiment. Hopefully, I'll find some weekend in the near future to play chef in my kitchen. And I want to bake SO many different things!! I think this year for christmas, I'm going to make christmas cookies. Yes, I'm going to be that domestic because I have a tree cookie cutter that I'm anxiously awaiting to use!

This weekend was good. Lots of crying, lots of anxiety, but it was still a good weekend. My head is a lot clearer and believe it or not, I feel like I'm finally finding some peace with myself. Things are coming into place, they really are. I hope you'll stick around and share all of this with me.

All right, time to finish my OJ. Blog later.
