Ten reasons why I will not blog very much this fall
1) My BA is somewhat in cahootz and I am determined to write a kickass BA because I know I'm smarter than someone else.
2) Recruitment is next week. Why are girls so damn bitchy? You don't see boys getting all huffy about potential rushes...
3) Blues and Ribs is the weekend after and I'm the asst. chair. It does not help that we are also giving out bids for DG that weekend too...
4)The same weekend as Blues and Ribs, Bids for DG is also initiation for APO and yours truly is the Pledgemaster. (I know! I have pledges!! hee hee...)
5) I am a TA for a class that's first paper is due the following week on a topic that is not very non-Bio major friendly.
6) I'm still working in the hospital, pretty much all day on Friday (when yours truly has no class!)
7) I don't want to be a loser so when I do have free time, I like to see people.
8) Fall formal is November 1st and yours truly has to be there again. BUT! I have a kickass dress and I will be enjoying myself to the dessert table. (Hell! it's free, why not!?!)
9) I think I should be a nice TA and try to help out my students when it comes time for their midterm.... that happens the same week as formal.
10) When I don't have class and I'm not seeing my friends, I will be sleeping. =)
If you ever want to reach me though, you know how. (I like e-mails and the occasional phone call on my celly is nice too, 'cuz then I know I'm not an utter and complete loser, just a partial one.)
will blog later...