random babble from yours truly

i think the title sums it up pretty well.

Saturday, May 12, 2007

last night, i had the strangest dream. david hasselhoff was in it, but he was sober. so were my friends from high school. the whole thing was very twisted. but what was the freakiest part? i dreamt about him for the first time. seriously. it was just weird.

well, it wasn't weird. it was actually kind of nice because the dream wasn't strange like when i dream about past exes. he wasn't trying to seduce me or kill me and i didn't dream that we were dating. i dreamt about all the pre-dating stuff which was nice. i guess in all my jadedness, i forgot about how nice it is to be in that beginning phase when you're just starting to know someone and all you're going off of is that initial attraction. it's so childish but it's also so innocent and exciting.

anyhow, point is, last night was a nice dream. i haven't had a nice dream about a boy in a while. so it was nice, for once, to be reminded in my sub conscious that dream boys do exist in real life. =)

now, i'm off to pray to the GPA gods....


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