random babble from yours truly

i think the title sums it up pretty well.

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

so here i was, ready to write about how annoyed i am for bombing my physiology test and how i am really sucking right now in pharmacy school.

but then i found out that a friend's father passed away and that kind of just put me back in my place and put everything into perspective again.

to my dear friend, you and your family are definitely in my prayers.

Monday, September 25, 2006

on saturday, i went to the reg to study for physio.
In my four years as an undergrad, I never went to the reg on a saturday to study.

I have been studying every weekend for physiology- keeping up with the reading, going over old exams and what not.

I have no motivation now to study physiology but I know I'm going to get my ass kicked by my physio exam in 10 hours.

Have I mentioned that I HATE physio?