my good deed for the day - a story by buhloong
so! i'm walking to meet up with my new bff, joe p. regenstein and instead of taking 57th st. i take 56th st (i'm lazy.)
i am admiring the houses that line the street and am wondering to myself, "where do they drop off the mail? there are no mail slots on the doors or mailboxes in front." as i'm thinking this to myself, i notice that in one of the houses, someone has left their keys in the door. since i can't figure out where to drop the keys off in the mail, i ring the doorbell to see if someone is home.
a woman, opens the window from the 3rd floor and shouts, "who is it?"
i reply, "umm... you left your keys in the door."
she screams, "oh my goodness!" the window shuts, and i can hear someone shuffling down steps from inside the house.
a few moments later, a former female Illinois senator opens the door and says,"oh my goodness! you are an angel! thank you!"
"no problem," i say and go on my merry way to meet up with my bff.
as the former senator closes the door, i can hear her shout, "Rob!" who I'm guessing is the culprit that left the keys in the door.
So is the story of my good deed for the day. maybe karma will reward me with an A on my pharmacology exam tomorrow morning...