so, i need to correct a certain older brother's blog regarding credit for me being a sports fan. in all fairness, credit really goes to one party only- my former employer, Epic.
Let me explain...
When I accepted the job with Epic, I had to move to Wisconsin. There is NOTHING TO DO in Wisconsin. So since I had this nice cushy job and there was nothing to do, I decided to get cable TV.
Now, while at work, when I ran out of articles to read on I started to read the articles on Thus, began my learning of extranneous sports knowledge.
So I'd come home from work (or on the weekends) and turn on the TV (because there was nothing to do in Wisconsin.) When there wasn't anything good on TV to watch, I would switch over to ESPN and TNT (when there were NBA games on of course.) Thus began my watching the NBA playoffs, random NFL games and baseball games.
Now, everyone in Wisconsin would give me dirty looks and make snide comments when I mentioned I was from Chicago. And everyone in Wisconsin is a Packers fan. So when the Packers would play, everyone would turn stupid and wear ugly green and gold clothing to work. So I started to watch Bears games and Packers games and I would silently laugh at my fellow co-workers when the Packers lost and the Bears won. Thus started my rooting for the Bears.
By now, you see where I'm going. Thus while my brother did instill some sports knowledge in me, I must give due credit to my former employer. Because really, if it weren't for the fact that I was stuck in Wisconsin for 3 years I would probably be just another sorority girl that knows little about sports.