random babble from yours truly

i think the title sums it up pretty well.

Thursday, September 05, 2002

Because my brother told me to blog about my morning...

So a person who I shall not mention decided that he wanted to meet at 9 this morning. Me, being the wonderful person that I am agreed to 9 (8:30 was out of the question) and I even offered to meet unsaid person at the train stop!

Thus, I get my butt up at 8 in the morning, get ready and leave the apartment by 8:30. Get to the train station, hop on the first "V" train I see and I go to the meeting place. I'm there at 8:35. Grrr... why didn't anyone tell me that it's so damn easy to get to Jackson Heights!!? I sit for 25- 30 minutes and I feel super awkward. (As I mentioned before, I do not look like I'm from NY.) Around 8:45 the woman I'm sitting next to pulls this guy who's walking by the bench the two of us are sitting on and starts saying,"Come talk to me Eduardo.*" (*Names are made up because I can't remember and at the end of my story, you will realize it's for security purposes.)

This woman I'm sitting next to is a COP and she is GRILLING this Latino guy about "where his friend lives." And towards the end of her interrogation, she goes, "Now, isn't this better than going to jail?" AHHHH! I may like watching Law & Order, but I do not want to see it live while I'm in NY!!! CREEPY. A certain someone who was 5 minutes late this morning thought it was pretty damn funny what happened to me. I'm not laughing.

Went to Chinatown and SoHo. Got my beige sheer blouse. Woohoo! Later on today, I got a pair of sunglasses for $1!! I love H & M.

Okay, time to keep tidying up (guests are coming!)

blog later.

Wednesday, September 04, 2002

I don't want to blog for too long. My head is pounding, but I figured I should let the world know that I'm alive and well in NY. And no, I did not fly out to NY just to watch Law and Order, contrary to what my friends may say and believe. You have to admit though, it's a pretty damn-good show. It could be my all time favorite show.

Anyhow, the parental units do arrive in a few days. It should be interesting. You would think that given there is a Gap everywhere and anywhere in NY, if you dress in all Gap, you will look like you're from NY, but you don't. Trust me. You just don't. That was the lesson I learned today.

Went to the Queens Center mall. Not the greatest mall, but you can find some great stuff there at the right moment. Tomorrow, if all goes well, I attack 5th avenue and the 34th St. Macy's. Hopefully, my shopping karma has not left me. Oh yeah! and if a certain brother is reading this, I do have good car karma. Admit it.

alright, it's late and the RCN guy was here WAY too early for my liking. Did I mention also that I kicked someone's but in Bust a Groove tonight? Just thought I would (in case the LOSER ever reads my blog. ha ha ha!)

night. Blog later... very much later like after I get so much sleep that this stupid cankasore goes away.