Do you know what today is!? It's been 3 weeks since Dylan was born! Did I also mention that Quincy is home? Very happy to have him back... and the lil boo boo I made is gone too! Poor Quincy... I beat him up real bad. I promise to be better now though. Poor Dylan too! I hope he's getting by around all those crazy folk....
So I've gone three weeks straight now and I'm not seeing ANY results. In my last post, I said two but it's really been three because I started on my everyday pilates kick before Halloween... In any case! I'm not seeing results. I think I'm going to have to lower my goal to just a 2 pack. Why is this so difficult? It's not like I'm munching on fatty foods in between meals or anything and I drink a ton of milk and juice. I've practially given up soda. This whole working out business is very frustrating... Any one got any tips? I wonder how James got his six pack in high school... maybe I will have to consult.
Am I chubby? I've been debating this for the last week all because of someone. Ugh... I never thought I was chubby. Am I? Why do boys think it's okay to comment on a girl's physical apperance, whether it be positive or negative? You don't see me going up to boys saying "you have a scrawny butt" even though it's clear that they do or "What's up with that roll of fat you got going there?" So infuriating!
Okay, now I must contain my anger. I shall blog later...