random babble from yours truly

i think the title sums it up pretty well.

Sunday, May 06, 2007

i just feel like venting. not about school, work, my incompetent e-board or my crazy family. no today i feel like spewing venom about my former "loves."

i hate them all. yes, i realize hate is a very strong word but let me be emotional. let me get out my anger and frustration. and i'm frustrated.

i continually blame myself. it wasn't his fault, i was the one who stayed in the relationship for as long as i did. and it wasn't his fault for letting it happen, it was mine for not being rational. but you know?! i've come to realize that's a bunch of bull.

both times, i was fine. i was getting by, moving along on my merry way. but nooo....you decided to come along and screw everything up. and you did such a fine job of screwing me up. but thankfully, now, i've regained some sense of sanity and intelligence.

no more settling. no more trusting, believing. no more second chances. no more thinking the best of anyone. from now on, it's always the worst until proven otherwise. like when you have some ridiculous disease that i can't think of right now off the top off of my head.

i'm through.

thank goodness summer is less than 2 weeks away....


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