random babble from yours truly

i think the title sums it up pretty well.

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

If there is one thing for me to win, it will be this. I can't wait. Where to go for dinner now? Decisions, decisions...

I bought the greatest thing from Wal-Mart yesterday. Yes, yes, ridicule me all you want but Wal-Mart is next door!!? It's so cheap and so damn convenient. Back to my purchase. I got velro rollers!! They are SUPER easy to use and I actually managed to use them without getting them totally tangled up in my hair and having to chop anything off! Very exciting. Laugh, but I'm rather proud of my purchase and my newfound ability to style my own hair.

At least two thirds done with my winter laundry. There is still so much packing that needs to be done. And stupid me went and packed all her spring/summer clothes in January and now it's warm!! Argh.

Okay, must focus. Need to pack and clean. Must pack and clean.

blog later,


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