Oh wow. Two weeks from Saturday, and I'll be in NY. Weird. I don't even know what time my flight is supposed to leave Chicago. I should probably check that. =)
Hmm... what to blog about? Only 20 pages until I'm done with my book. I practiced/banged on the piano tonight. I wish my right hand was bigger. I can't even play an octave! Isn't that pathetic? *sigh* It's really rather annoying, especially given I'm trying to teach myself Chopin's Etude No. 3 which is slowly becoming one of my favorite piano pieces of all time. (I still like "Fantasie Impromptu" more.)
Here's a thought. So I've decided I own too much clothing. No really, I do. I have enough formal dresses to last me until I get married (that's how many I own!) and I have enough pair of jeans that fit me. (You would think my weight and size hasn't exactly changed that much over the last few years, but oh, it has.) And I think I can be creative enough to make all my tops and still look a little "in." Or at least, not so last season. Why is this important? It's not. But I think I'm going to start focus my attention on getting more jewelry (*hint* *hint* for anyone that needs to get me a gift in the future). Yup! that's pretty much it. And I've also never figured out why the people I've dated, who know how much of a hopeless romantic I am, never play off the dead giveaways I throw them. Seriously. Oh well... I'm still waiting for the day the guy I'm with gives me a book with the score/sheet music to all my favorite songs. (It's not that hard to figure out if you look at my MP3 list.)
I think it's time for me to go to sleep though. A girl needs her beauty rest!
blog later.
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