AHHHHHHHHHHH! I hate BLOGGER!! I just spent 15 minutes writing something and I just lost it ALL because I went and changed the time zone listed. HOW frustrating.
I'm supposed to be writing my paper on the differences and similarities between the 18th century concept of patient narrative to that of present day. How far am I? Umm... we won't talk about that. It doesn't help that I got my a$$ kicked on Monday and am still trying to recover, nor does it help that the book I needed was taken out of the library! So! I'm left to BS my way through all of this. Granted, it's only a 4-7 page paper but my concentration GPA is slowly diminishing. I can see it now...
Does anyone know how to change the stuff on your blogger template? I really don't like whatever band it says is my favorite band and all that other stuff. And I've looked around, I even went through all the "How To" categories on blogger.com and I came up with nothing. This whole "blogger" thing is very frustrating. Honest it is. But if you do know how to change that stuff, or have any other pointers, I'd really appreciate them. You can reach me at kjlin@uchicago.edu
Okay. It's time for me to get some sleep, or at least, stop blogging and try to generate a couple more pieces of evidence for my paper.
Have I mentioned how much I don't get this thing? Well. I don't.
Blog later.
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