random babble from yours truly

i think the title sums it up pretty well.

Tuesday, August 27, 2002

Some of the attending doctors and the nurses are a riot. Today, one of the attending doctors (she isn't on call) asked me when I start class. I said, "I don't start until another month. U of C starts Sept. 30." And a nurse nearby heard this and went, "What!?" and I explained to her and the attending that supposedly, U of C pushed back the calendar by a week. So we start in October (pretty much) and end mid-June. Then the attending goes, "That's so stupid!" and I laughed. And she goes, "U of C is so stupid. Why would you do that? So you're left here and all your friends are back at school?" and I nodded. It was entertaining....

Work has been okay. I'm almost done updating the spreadsheet and I created my template that I needed to! Woo hoo! It's kind of ghetto though, but I think it will suffice for now (until I learn how to better master Excel.)

I finished the Two Towers and I'm pretty much done with Return of the King. MUCH better than Fellowship of the Ring, even though I didn't read the book. But I can tell from the storylines that the second and third movies in the trilogy are going to be a lot more exciting and amazing.

Wow. I leave in a couple of days. I wonder if I'm going to fight Frank for the computer to blog... ha ha! yeah right. I wonder if he's going to blog while I'm there... on a side note (this is to Frank) Ma said she sees Ching Yeh advertised in the paper ALL the time! ha ha ha... They want to do take out from there. It should be interesting...

Okay, I think that's it for me. A long couple of days ahead for me...

blog later.


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