Okay. So two more days and it's all over. Woohoo! A break, peace and quiet, at last. I can't wait! So excited... maybe that's why I couldn't sleep last night. I couldn't contain my excitement. hee hee...
Ugh! NEVER BUY SANUK SANDALS! mine broke today! Luckily, my dad was nearby the building I had class, so I got a ride home. Otherwise, I would have looked pretty damn stupid walking five or six blocks the way I had to walk in order to keep the sandal on under my foot. And I would have had no problem walking barefoot except that it's 90 degrees in Chicago today so the sidewalk was scorching! Ridiculous I tell you. Last time I ever buy shoes at Urban Outfitters... I am sticking to being a brand snob. No more Sanuks. It's all about Bandolino and Enzo now. =)
Hmm... what else is going on? I just spent a half hour tearing up credit card applications. Why do they keep sending them to you if you don't respond!? Just thinking about all that paper that goes to waste, and the money used for postage... grr. Anyhow! I'm happy to report that there are now about 20 less envelopes lying around my house. However, there are still about 100 chinese newspapers that I cannot throw away. (Such is the price one must pay when your mother will not let you throw away a Chinese newspaper until she has read it. Of course, even though some of these papers are three months old and that would mean the news is old, she still insists on reading it. *sigh* and you wonder why I turned out the way I did....)
Lab presentation went well. Pizza Capri makes pretty good stuffed spinich pizza but it's so heavy! ugh. And I finished a can of Code Red Mountain Dew. I think that's why my stomach is not happy with me. Oh well. What else can I "blog" about? I honestly don't know how I'm going to survive the next 48 hours. Really, I don't. Last night, someone called at 1:35 A.M!! WHO CALLS AT 1:35 am!!?!? I don't even like getting phone calls that late, unless they're from a certain someone but it's not like that ever happens. Geez! I can't even... nevermind. My friend called me just the other night and took me to ice cream at Margie's! It was SOOOOOOO delicious.
Okay, I should get back to trying to be productive and clean and study and all that other dorky stuff that losers like me do.
blog later.
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