random babble from yours truly

i think the title sums it up pretty well.

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Purchases in the last 72 hours: condo and a laptop. =)

I'm excited. Honest, I am. I know I haven't been really showing my enthusiasm about having my own place but I think it will finally hit me when I start my renovations and move in. I can't wait. I've already started thinking about colors and how I want to decorate the living room and my bedroom. And the kitchen! I am going to have so much fun in my kitchen.

*sigh* I had a good weekend. Went out with someone I never thought I'd go out with again. We've been talking and it's been nice. It's nice to have someone to talk to that I can be incredibly open and honest with. And amazingly, he gets it. He knows where I'm coming from on certain levels and then others...wow. If I've learned anything, it's that people change.

I got the part time job I wanted. Yippee! It's nice to know there will be some money flowing this summer. My parents are already thinking about other jobs for me to take on. Goodness. They're good people. Drive me absolutely nuts but they are really great parents.

Saw my FAVORITE person this weekend too and he told me he loved me! All on his own. hee hee...Man, I can't wait to spend more time with him. He's so funny and cute! Goodness. The things that come out of that mouth of his...

Again I've done very little work this week. Oy. Just a little over a month. I can hardly contain my excitement.

I should get ready for bed and attempt to do my homework.

blog later.


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