random babble from yours truly

i think the title sums it up pretty well.

Thursday, March 25, 2004

So I'm working out more than I probably ever have in the last year, and yet I don't think it's making a difference. I've even cut down on my snacking and started to have more fruit. I don't think I'm even close to my goal... *sigh*

Tomorrow, my boys are going to CRUSH Illinois. Even though I'm from Illinois, I have no love for them. I hope Duke stomps all over Illinois. And then I will laugh and be petty and spiteful to all those Duke haters. You know who you are... just wait. When the game is over tomorrow, I have only two words for you. (I shall refrain from using such profanity though on the web.)

Going back to see the parents this weekend and my buddies. Going to get me some Harold's too. Aren't you jealous? Yeah, you know you are. Going to make my famous salmon teriyaki for the parental units too. I think they'll like it... I hope they'll like it because that's their dinner Saturday night!

What else? Found out last night that someone gets Good Friday off. How does that work out!? Grr... I guess I can't complain though because my happy ash does get off of work every day at 5 unlike someone else.

(*side though* Is it wrong that I'm hoping Wake beats St. Joe's so that eliminates another #1 and clears the way for my Blue Devils?)

Hopefully, I'll get to see my favorite person this weekend. Would be a little disappointed if I didn't get to, but maybe I'll make a trip out to see him next weekend. Have to give his mommy her stain resistant outfit though. ha ha! It's designer brand too!

I'm just babbling. I should probably clean up the kitchen before the mini road trip. Oi! Does anyone really read this by the way? Seriously... I sometimes forget I even have this. Oh well...

off to get ready for b.e.d.
blog later.


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