random babble from yours truly

i think the title sums it up pretty well.

Tuesday, February 17, 2004

I'm getting fat. Freaking stress. I'm not even eating as much as normal (I think.) I hate stress. The things it does to you. Not to mention, I need my beauty sleep!

I had the perfect frame to put my picture of my favorite person in the world in. He's so damn cute. I wish I could play with him every day, but alas, I am stuck here in the Land of Beer and Cheese. Hopefully, I won't be here much longer! and I will be in the Big Apple. One can dream right?

Valentine's Day came and went. I don't know if it's because I'm getting tired of the holiday, the incessant complaining from single people, or the fact that it really is a Hallmark holiday. But I had a good Valentine's Day. Went and saw 50 First Dates. I'm getting that movie when it's out on DVD. Man, I really had a good weekend, unfortunately, this week has not been as awesome as the weekend, but how could it? You're not here, but that's okay, I'll see you soon enough.

I have everything going for me and yet I've been feeling tired and uneasy. Why is that? I'm wondering too. Maybe I need to remind myself about all the crap that's happened but I think that will just depress me. Wouldn't it depress you too??

Anyway! I'm looking forward to the weekend. I have so many plans! Pilates, finishing up on projects, laundry... believe it or not, I look forward to weekends where I can do laundry and pilates. I might try making something too... we'll see.

All right, I need to go do my pilates because my body is not happy with the lack of sleep and stress. Thanks for being an incredible friend. You know who you are.

Blog later.


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