So it's a new year and it's my year. I have a feeling good things are going to happen this year. I'm excited. VERY excited.
I don't know if I'm in the mood or have the energy to go into gory details about my adventure or rather misadventures in Colorado. It was definitely fun though and I'm definitely a big fan of hanging out with my wonderful sisters. Not a fan of snow though NOR do I recommend anyone travel to Telluride via Great Lakes. If you are able to make it there through the Telluride airport, you are one amazing person.
Everyone says my apartment is so filled. I don't have that feeling. It's definitely messy though and I have no idea how to organize everything. Alas! I must try and thus hoepfully, by the end of today everything will be in the right place and my place will look great.
What can I say? My neighbors back in Chicago definitely make my days brighter and so does Dylan. Hee hee... he's so chubby...
Okay, must focus on cleaning. *sigh* wish me luck!
blog later.
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