random babble from yours truly

i think the title sums it up pretty well.

Monday, January 09, 2006

Brief Life Update

1. Ready to leave Madison. It's amazing how stupid some people are.
2. Counting down the weeks until I move back to the Chicagoland area...
3. Portland this weekend, Honolulu in a week. Woohoo!
4. Classes at the community college in a week...it's amazing how cheap tuition is!
5. I'm a shopaholic but currently in denial about my addiction.
6. Portable DVD player will be my demise.
7. I should invest in heat.
8. It's nice to know I have options...well, sort of. Des Moines doesn't sound all that hot.
9. Need to find a place to live.
10. Past my bedtime.

blog later.


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