Merry Christmas everybody.
This is the scrooge in me talking:
After working almost 70 hours this past week in a room where I was the only girl, I STILL didn't get my Christmas bonus! Arrghh...I'm so annoyed. Happily though, the plan is in motion and my last day should be May 6. Let the countdown begin...
Being back in Chicago is nice. I'm convinced that my sub-conscious is attached to my bed here. No matter what, I always seem to fall asleep easier and wake up more rested after sleeping in my bed at home tha my bed in Wisconsin. Unfortunately, I am also a light sleeper and I wake up to my brother's cell phone alarm before he does and to the sound of my mother closing the bathroom door. *sigh* If only I could take my bed here with me to my next home...
Speaking of which, I need to find a place to live. This condo hunt is not going as well as I would like. My dream condo listing was pulled a week after I found it which means all the good ones are getting taken! This does not bode well for me.
On another note, should you be reading this and you plan on getting me a gift of any sort, I thankfully decline. I am no longer accepting gifts in the form of anatomical objects. Cash or gift certificates only please. Sounds greey but honestly, I'd rather not get any more stuff because that will only add to the packing. Plus, to be QUITE honest, I have pretty much everything I need. I have even tried to CURB my spending and my plan is to not buy any more clothes except with the free gift cards I got in my mail from my faithful stores. =)
All right, I should try to get in the holiday spirit. Well, I guess I am in the holiday spirit. Nothing like seeing a little kid put out cookies, milk and water for Santa, watching his mom and uncle eat the cookies (After the kid is in bed of course) and drinking some of the milk. Ha ha...ahhh christmas. Hope yours is merry, bright and right.
Happy Holidays.
(And an early Happy Hannukah to the Jewish folk out there...)
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