random babble from yours truly

i think the title sums it up pretty well.

Monday, May 27, 2002

Hmm... so Frank actually remembered to mention me in his blogger. Thanks! This weekend was interesting and I have a feeling it will only get MORE interesting... (and for those of you who want to be anal, I know the weekend is over but there's no school today/tomorrow! Woohoo!)

Formal was awesome. My date was great and bought me drinks. My dinner was "enh" but the dessert was delicious! (Chocolate mousse cake- always a winner.) Danced a lot. Got lots of compliments on my dress and hair and took a whole roll of pictures! (Can't wait to get them developed!) Unfortunately, woke up early saturday morning to puke up my dinner (but surprisingly, not the dessert!) and then I slept the rest of the afternoon. AND CONTRARY TO WHAT YOU MAY THINK- I was NOT hungover or drunk. I think I got sick from a combination of being sick and overexerting myself at the dance and then having an "enh" dinner.

At around 3, my dorm had a fire drill. SUPER annoying. It really was. Called up Henry to see what he was up to in Texas. He's met Grace now and I don't think her boyfriend likes him. Weird given they're supposed to be "brothers." But I won't get into that.... went shopping and got some really cute PJs (though sadly the bottoms don't fit but not to fret! BR has them in my size online. Woohoo!) and then some jeans from the GAP (damn good deal. The streak continues of going in and getting something cheap.... hee hee...)

Sat. night went to Phi Delt and danced with my girlies. (Contrary to what some may think, I did not "buy" these people. They were my friends BEFORE I joined DG. The judgmental idiots out there....) Came home early and cleaned my room though I didn't do a very good job.

Sunday- woke up late, went to Xander's, saw his new girl and then went to the Sr. BBQ. Went home, found out my cousin is getting married in January and then back to my room and to the library. Had pizza for dinner, and then off to the APO party! (I love Erin Sweeney. She CRACKS me up!)
And now, I'm awake and blogging. Okay, so maybe to you my weekend doesn't sound that interesting, but I'm all partied out. You would think that getting to play the social butterfly would be fun but it's really not and it's incredibly tiring. One would then think that I would be asleep but I can't seem to fall asleep though I'm getting better (both in terms of my lifestyle and my current state of health.)

All right, since I doubt a certain someone is going to call me tonight and I have nothing better to do (hence the blogging) I'm going to go to bed. To bed I said! aww $hit. I wanted to see My Fair Lady. Going to have to do that sometime soon...

I be on my way now. Night all...
blog later.


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