I should be studying but I just can't concentrate. I will study though. I feel like an idiot. I forgot that I defrosted some steaks and then I found them in my fridge today so now, I've cooked this mound of beef that I have no desire to eat. And it all smells pretty good too!! Oh well... maybe I'll get the munchies after another hour of self-torture.
This is all going to be worth it right? I hope so. If things blow-up in my face, I don't know how forgiving my body will be of me.
On another note, why am I so fat? No seriously, I'm not joking when I say I'm fat. It's so freaking obnoxious too. I can fit into my normal size but then it feels a little tight and if I go up a size, it either feels funny or is too big. I hate my body. Maybe my body has already started to seek its revenge from the new routine.
Two months from tomorrow...two months from tomorrow.
back to my loser life.
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