random babble from yours truly

i think the title sums it up pretty well.

Wednesday, July 08, 2009

ok. so i'm calmer now. unfortunately (or fortunately?) i now know how to manipulate my parents. i realize that's a horrible thing to say but honestly, the sheer amount of crap i put up with in comparison to my siblings is ridiculous. and i figure if they expect me to deal with so much, i must get something in return. i realize one may argue that my schooling and their financial support is enough but seriously, it's ridiculous what they have me/ask me to do sometimes. not to mention, my mother's stupid line of thinking.

please explain to me the rationale behind telling me that it's more important for me to find a good husband who can take care of me instead of focusing my efforts on advancing my career. someone please explain this to me.

in any case, my vacation is set and i'm looking forward to it. i, however, cannot say the same about this stupid test.

seriously, i don't remember the PCAT or MCAT being this annoying. nor do i remember this freaked out about college or pharmacy school applications. is b-school going to be this nerve wrecking? i seriously hope not.

all right, enough procrastination on my part. i'm off to attempt my first practice test. so far i've only done 0.333 of a test.

wish me luck.

blog later.


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